Sunday, May 20, 2012

Food IS NOT your problem

We've not blogged in awhile and for those of you who are avid readers of this blog, I apologize and for those of you who aren't...well, you've obviously found better things to do with your time! However, you've missed out on a good time here at "All About The Journey"!

While the blogs have been stalled, the thoughts haven't. We're still battling our weight...well, more so, battling the scale. The weight really isn't as much of an issue, as much as the outward projection of the weight, that of which we see as number on a scale. What I mean to say is, weight isn't an issue until it is. Until you hit rock bottom, until you can't fit into those summer shorts, until you top out at a number you never thought you'd see, until you have to increase one medication to deal with another medication that is dealing with a different body function and so forth and so on, until what has literally been happening on the INSIDE shows its ugly face on the OUTSIDE. THAT'S when weight is an issue. Until that happens, we are all perfectly content with eating whatever we want and exercising when it is convenient, rather than when it is necessary, and living our lives as if each day is a prize at the bottom of the Fruity Pebbles Box and well, why the hell not eat all the Fruity Pebbles while we are at it, too, right?

But in my reflections I've discovered that our weight demons have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOD. 

Stop blaming the carbs. Stop blaming the dish of candy. Stop blaming the bowl of ice cream. They are innocent victims in this war, NOT the cause!

Imagine your body as a house. If your house catches on fire, are you going to chase after the arsonist (food), or are you first going to put out the fire? You've got to get to the bottom of what is sending you out of control with your food habits. What emotion, time of the day, ritual, whatever it is --- what is it that gives you the green light to make unhealthy decisions in your life. If you tackle THAT, your issues with food will also be resolved.

Now, it's your turn to reflect......

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