Friday, April 20, 2012

Binge Eating

Today in one of my weight loss support groups somebody asked for advice on how to stop binge eating.   This isn't something I've talked about a whole lot on this blog, and I thought it would be worth sharing some of the responses....

The best thing I can tell you for that is to not deprive yourself on a normal day. I still have trouble with binge eating myself - but I know when I'm counting calories and I ALLOW myself to have a treat, whatever that may be, and I count it in to my daily calories, most of the time I end up not bingeing and just eating that one treat. It's honestly a minute by minute process. Celebrate the times that you overcome a binge. And find somebody you can talk to about it to help you be accountable. It feels good to be able to tell somebody "I almost bought a bag of cookies today. I picked them up and put them down 4 different times - but in the end I left without them."

And try as much as you can to take the emotion out of food - because that's what binge eating is. I also know that is easier said than done. And do your best to stay away from situations that might make you binge. Don't have the food in the house. Make it difficult for yourself to have access to any of your binge food. It also might help to find something to replace that binge feeling or need. It could be a workout. Maybe a positive phrase that you can repeat to yourself over and over. Meditation, possibly. Tell yourself that you can have that binge, all you have to do is take a walk for 10 minutes or meditate for 10 minutes beforehand. And say those positive power phrases over and over in your head. "I am in control." "I am the creator of my destiny." "My emotions will not control my body." "I believe I will succeed." And then after your 10 minutes if you still want whatever it is, then have it. But start small. Start with one piece of whatever it is. Eat it on a plate with a fork. IT'S OK. It's truly ok to eat. When we can lose that "all or none" mentality, we can gain a lot of control over our bingeing behavior. YOU CAN DO THIS. Let go of the guilt.

These are a couple of the responses so far.  I will add to this as more come in.  If any of you have ever dealt with this problem, I'd love to see your response in the comments section, as well.  

Peace, Love, Health and Happiness to you!!!!

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