Thursday, April 5, 2012

*DISCLAIMER*  The following information is not based on anything remotely scientific, is not purported to be true, although I think most of it is I just can't prove it, and does reflect the opinion of this writer.....

Ohhh, I could go so many different ways with this poster and this blog today, so hang on tight - I have no idea where this could lead!!  :-)    Let me start by mentioning the news that came out this week (not that it hasn't been out there for a really long time - it just seems to have come back in the public eye this week) about the fact that sugar is bad for you.   I didn't watch the 60 Minutes episode or whatever it was that announced this fact, but I've read about it more than once. It's something I have a hard time digesting, because I'm a HUGE sugar lover.  So in order to save my sanity, I have decided that sugar is okay in moderation and in the pure form.  I DO truly believe that processed foods are killing us slowly.  The fake sugar and fake everything else that's in them.  I really, really try to keep Little Debbie out of my shopping cart.  Unfortunately she can be a sneaky little bi*** and jump in there before I can stop her, but most of the time I'm strong enough to fight her puny little weak no energy ass. Because really that's all those snack cakes are - energy zapping junk. my quest to eat clean, I still justify having treats as long as they're homemade - as long as I control what's going into it and can name every ingredient.  I have a hard time believing THAT is bad for you when it's consumed in moderation.  But, that could just be  my sugar ego talking me into it.  I'm pretty sure I have a sugar devil that sits on my shoulder daily whispering sweet temptations into my ear.....

But let's get back to this poster, shall we?  I have read so many books and articles that talk about all of the health benefits of different foods.  I always get excited when I read these things thinking that I'm going to completely change my way of eating and every day I'm going to eat fish and walnuts and blueberries and avacado and almonds and every vegetable that comes out of the ground and an apple before every meal with lemon in my water and sprinkle it all with flaxseed before I eat it.  RIIIGHT after I finish this cheeseburger.  

I've always thought if I was diagnosed with a horrible disease that I would change my diet and cure myself by eating nothing but fruits and vegetables and all the healthy stuff.  And I honestly do believe it's possible to cure yourself with food.  I believe that food can be the safest and most powerful form of medicine just like the poster says, and I believe it has many, many health benefits.  The crazy, stupid, ironic thing is WHY do I have to wait until I'm already diagnosed with a horrible disease before I'm willing to treat my body well?  Is obesity not horrible enough?  

We should be treating our bodies every day like we're in a battle.  We should be feeding it the good energy it needs - the clean, whole foods that make our bodies run like a well-oiled souped up engine.   We don't need scientists deciding what goes in our body by figuring out what preservative will give their food the most shelf life and make them the most money.  I once read an article that said "If it doesn't have a mother or it doesn't grow from the soil, don't eat it."   Kind of a crude way to think about it for a squeamish person like me, but I totally got the point.  I challenge you, if you're not doing it already, for at least one meal a day try eating clean.  Nothing from a box or a bag.  Prepare it yourself so you know what's in it.  And heck, why not even try a little lemon in your water?  :-)  

1 comment:

  1. GREAT POINTS! I believe this even goes for our emotional "aches and pains" as well. Remember, if hunger isn't the problem, then food isn't the answer.
