Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Staying on the Journey

Over the few weeks, post-Biggest Loser, we've had struggles. On top of dealing with some sickness, some busy schedules, some "oh my goodness I can finally have a cookie" know all the things that come with life, we've also been facing the scale. So far, it hasn't been BAD but we've definitely stalled on our weight-loss and it is clearly time to refocus and recommit. What about YOU? Are YOU ready to lace up your shoes and continue this journey?

 Here's the key:

Fast, slow, it doesn't matter. JUST KEEP MOVING! It is way easier to pick up the pace as you make your way down the road than it is to start all over after you've come to a complete stand still.

I love that quote in the picture above "when faced with obstacles, it's important to keep moving". Maybe your obstacle is physical and you need to take your time...just keep moving. Maybe your obstacle is mental and you feel fat, ugly and unworthy....just keep moving (and you are wrong about that, by the way). Maybe your obstacle is emotional....just keep moving. Exercise is shown to help boost those "feel good" chemicals in your body.

Last weekend we recommitted to a stronger fitness routine by taking part in a 10K charity run/walk in Wichita. We're not new to these races...Andrea has completed 10 half marathon events; I've completed 7. We've both been involved in several small races (2 miles, 5K, 10K) and were even teammates with a friend for the Salty Dog Tri in Hutchinson. Basically, we've paid a lot of money for miles and miles of torture!

Through our marathons and races we've also seen our weight go up and down and up and up, and initially we thought, "That's okay, we're out to prove that even chubby girls can do a 1/2 marathon." But since then, I believe we've changed our mindset to proving to ourselves that we aren't those "chubby" girls. We've evolved, we've pushed, and we've kept moving even when other said we should just stand on the sidelines. (That last one is almost a direct quote from an EMT, but we'll save that story for another day.) That's more than "chubby girls in motion". That's the motivation we need to remember and tune-in when we find ourselves lacking the urge to go to the gym or put on the walking shoes.

If you have ever done a race -- of any distance -- you know how hard it can be. Through our 1/2 marathons we've experienced many trials. We've had miles and miles of hills to climb, we've been passed by strollers and elderly runners, we've dealt with blisters and blackened toenails, and we've lost good friends...well, our friends didn't DIE, we literally just LOST them somewhere on the course. A race of any distance is a test of endurance and emotional sanity.

Below are photos from some our races through the years. I've posted them more for ME as we continue training for our upcoming 1/2 marathon, which will be the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon at the end of April. I can't seem to find photos from the 2008 OKC Marathon...apparently I wasn't clever enough to carry a camera.

 Omaha Nebraska (our 2nd 1/2 marathon together)

(Pretty sure we didn't mean to look like we were wearing a uniform there) - A

 Oklahoma City 1/2 Marathon

 An American Cancer Society fundraiser 5K
Derby, KS
(I THINK this was also 2009. Time flies when you are trying to avoid puking.)

It was SOOOO hot and humid that day!!! - A

Salty Dog Tri 2009
Hutchinson, KS

Who doesn't look like a badass with numbers written on their arm?  I think I will make it a habit to do that everytime I wear a tank from now on.  :-)  - A

Madison 1/2 Marathon, Madison, Wisc.

Remember when the guy on the bike was riding the marathon course advising everybody to stop running because they were ending the race due to the extreme heat advisory and we decided we would finish anyway?   - A

 Susan Komen Race for a Cure 2010
Wichita, KS 

Allll those hot firemen who were there....... - A

 Prairie Fire 1/2 Marathon 2010
Wichita, KS

This photo doesn't even tell the story - but I can say that I have learned of many of my fashion faux paus by looking at race pictures after the fact...... - A


Oklahoma City 1/2 Marathon 2010

Oklahoma City 1/2 Marathon 2011

Can you say "drowned rat"?   The only race I've ever truly been willing to skip......but there's always one of us who says we have to do it. - A

4th of July Freedom Run
Wendover, Nevada 2011

Who knew Nevada had mountains?  And why WOULDN'T we expect to have to climb mountains when we decide to do a 4-mile "hike"?  - A

St. Pat's Dave Hammer Memorial Run 2012
(Okay, really, NO ONE looks good in this much green but Leprechauns!)

Come on, admit it, you've done crazier things for free beer, right? - A

Easter Sun Run 10K, Wichita, KS 2012

Sometimes the last minute decisions turn out to be the best.  - A 

Our goal for the upcoming marathon is to have the most fun we've ever had, be fitter than we've ever been, and motivate as many people along the way as we can!

Taking part in charity runs and walks are great ways to benefit your community AND get in a great workout day in and out as you prepare for your event. BUT, you don't have to pin on a bib in order to take that first step towards a healthier lifestyle. Start with a walk down the driveway, then around the block, then to the post office....keep adding more distance and before you know it, you are there -- geographically, emotionally, and physically. You just need to keep moving!

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