Wednesday, February 29, 2012


As we once again approach the scales, some maybe with anxiety and others maybe with excitement, no matter what the scale says just keep in mind WHY you are on this journey and WHO you are doing it for.  The scale does not define us. A number is just that - a number, and we can't let it control who we are.  Let this be a journey about a happier, healthier YOU!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

False advertising

*DISCLAIMER:  I may be in a high state of irrational thinking today, so beware the use of curse words and other such nonsense.

So I just saw an ad for a certain diet company - I won't tell you what company it is, but I'll give you a hint,  it sounds a lot like "Feight Fotchers".    Anyway, in their ad they claim "No food is ever off limits!"  And to that I call BULLS*&T!  

Now I'm normally the first person to tell you to never deprive yourself, never cut out a whole food group, never say you "can't" have something or you'll "never" eat something again.  That just totally F*#$'s up your brain (my brain) and wreaks havoc with your system.  Not to mention the harm it can do to your body, depending on what it is you decide you're never going to eat again. Especially if you try to do it long term.  And overall, I think that certain diet program the ad was for is a great program and a healthy way to lose weight. 

But today - today I have to be realistic.  And the realistic side of me says "Kiss my A&$ Feight Fotchers!!! No  I CAN'T eat anything I want!"  Okay, that might be the irrational side talking there mostly, but there is a bit of reality mixed in with it.  Because today, number one, is the day before weigh day.  And on the day before weigh day (when we're involved in a stupid competition ((Sorry KNRC - I really do appreciate you)) with overly competitive teammates ((sorry teammates - I really do love you all and am happy to be on your team)) who might slit my throat if I follow my urges) I REALLY CAN'T eat just whatever I want and some things ARE off limits.    For example, the fried pickles that I've been craving for the past two days, they are off limits. The deep dish pizza that I'd like to sink my teeth into - it is off limits.  The box of girl scout cookies in my freezer that is 15 feet away from me as I write this - they can't be opened.   Does that mean I will never eat fried pickles, deep dish pizza or girl scout cookies again?  HELL NO.  In fact, I might eat all of that tomorrow! LOL  (Just kidding - I am in NO WAY recommending anybody eat all of that in the same day).  But it means that because of my circumstances today, because of the scale tomorrow, and because I know I'm in a state of hormonal disarray and would likely binge if I even took a bite of any of that, I KNOW I CAN'T have that today. 

Does it piss me off?  Yeah, it does.  In the most irrational way, it does.  It makes me pout and sulk.  It might even make me say things I don't mean to people who don't deserve it (Sorry, Steph).  And it makes me get angry at innocent little banner ads that come up on the internet telling me no food is off limits.  But, you know what this REALLY is?  It's a victory.  It might be a victory disguised by a frowny face, but it's still a victory.  Because two months ago on a day like today I WOULD have eaten all of those things.  Yep, probably all in the same day. And then I would vow to start my healthy eating again tomorrow. 

So let's turn that phrase around a bit and say "Nothing is ALWAYS off limits."   But sometimes it just has to be. And you should celebrate the victory in knowing when and why.   And if you're a control freak like me and don't like being told what to do, celebrate the fact that YOU really DO have control by choosing what is right for you that day.  And by golly, on a day you're feeling good, on a day you don't feel out of control, go get some dang fried pickles, stop when you're satisfied, and eat healthy the rest of the day.  Because you CAN. 

Just Listen

It's an overcast, drizzly day in Kingman, Kansas today and with that comes the urge to crawl onto the couch with a box of Girl Scout cookies, a soft blanket, and a line-up of TV shows you've had DVR'd for the past month but have been too busy to watch. Even if the weather was bright and sunny, we all still have those days when we just want to shut down.

How do you fight that urge?
How do you find the strength day after day to stay on a healthy lifestyle routine?
When seemingly every ounce of your body is begging you to just stop, lay down, and eat whatever poor helpless sugary victim comes wandering into your do you NOT give in?

I'd like to say, "Well, it's easy, you just ___________" and then I'd fill in the blank with some magic cure for weather/emotion onset laziness. But, it's just not that simple. Just like there is no Magic Bullet for weight loss, there is also not a Magic Bullet for finding a motivational needle in a big haystack of cravings and dieting exhaustion. There just isn't a clear-cut answer for every person.

But there IS one thing we all have and if you are reading this blog I KNOW you have it because if you've committed to reading this far then you've faced the same battles we have. We all have that tiny little voice in the back of our mind that says, "I can do this" even when every other part of our being says we can't. Even when your mouth is saying everything negative it can possibly muster up...even when your body won't even bend over to tie your workout shoes....even when you've just written a $30 check for those damn Girl Scout cookies...even when there is a three-hour Cupcake War marathon on the Food Network...there IS a voice deep inside you that STILL says "I can do this". This voice doesn't ever give up on you. It always wants to push you to be stronger in your most weak moments. Even when you try to tune it out because this is all just "too hard" is still there. Waiting for you to agree. To tie your shoes. To stand on your feet. To put one foot in front of the other and MOVE.

The voice is calling you...listen for can do this....

Monday, February 27, 2012

My lifesaver

As anyone who has ever been on a weight loss journey/healthy eating lifestyle change knows, there is nothing more exciting and life changing than finding a healthy replacement for a not-so-healthy love.   The first time this happened to me was when my dear friend, Donna Coykendall, taught me that I could take the sprayer out of the  "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter" spray and use it in whole form. (Reference my first recipe).  I used it this weekend to sautee some mushrooms and onions, added some seasonings, and it was DELICIOUS!  I felt like I was cheating!!!

Well, I'm going to share my newest gem with you, one that is helping to save my sanity (and probably Steph's life - LOL) through our BL contest and journey.    Plain greek yogurt (no flavor) and dry ranch dressing.    Mix the two together and you've got some delicious creamy goodness with tons of uses.  I love it just as a dip for my veggies.  Since Ranch dip and dressing is so high calorie and high fat I have stopped using it except on very rare occasions.  And I'll be honest with you, I was very sad about it.  I ate it with a lot of stuff that I never even realized - one of them being to dip vegetables in.  (And cheetos. Yummyyyyyyy!!)   But now instead of going without like I had been, I can use my yogurt dip combination.   With the brand of yogurt I use 1/2 cup is only 60 calories and it also serves up around 9 grams of protein which will help satisfy you and help you stay full longer.  

The great thing about this dip is that it has replaced other high fat/creamy items in our diet.  We've mixed a tablespoon of it with tuna and created a healthy tuna salad option instead of using mayo.  We will spread it on our bread and add some extra flavor to our sandwiches.  It's also a great option to use on a baked potatoes or tacos instead of sour cream.  Not to mention just using it as salad dressing.    I'm sure you can come up with all sorts of other great things to use it in - and I hope you come back here and share your ideas with me!!

Now if I could only find the healthy replacement for nachos......and something chocolaty and cake-like...... (heavy sigh)............

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weighing in...again...

Today, Wednesday, Feb. 22, is yet another weigh in for the BL contest! Good luck to everyone! We'll blog about it later!

Some of us enjoy the challenge of stepping on the scale...some of us walk up to it with a bit more...ummm...passive aggressive hesitation! Smile, folks...we'll get another shot at it next week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Introducing Andi & Steph's Super Weight Loss Patch!

If you are struggling with weight loss, WE HAVE THE ANSWER! We would like to introduce Andi & Steph's Super Weight Loss Patch (A.S.S. Patch)!

This product is guaranteed to STOP those awful afternoon chocolate cravings, CONTROL your mindless snacking, and HELP you lose that stubborn belly fat!
The directions are simple. Simply apply to the location pictured above every day following your shower. Leave patch application in place until you are ready for bed! Soon those pounds will be MELTING away!

Side effects MAY include: Irritability, low blood sugar, lack of energy, dehydration, and fatigue. Allergic reactions may occur to those with a sensitivity to adhesive materials.

While the FDA has not approved this product (and it is likely they will not), it is still available and can be found at your local hardware store!

We also offer this variety:

Get your A.S.S. Patch TODAY and watch the results unfold!

PS: Yes these photos were taken in my office restroom...we can't afford real models! 

Weight Loss Studies

I've read through a TON of weight-loss research studies. Page after page of "up to date findings" over and over -- America is getting fatter/ obesity is on the rise/ poor eating habits are to blame/ oh wait, no, it's genetics that is to blame (findings of a "fat gene), everyone is going to get diabetes, school cafeteria cooks should be dragged into the streets and shot for what they are doing to children, video games are ruining society....etc. I'm sure you've seen the headlines.

Here's what sticks out in my mind: "Animal models of obesity have accelerated the pace of discovery in obesity research." In layman's terms -- Scientists are targeting fat mice. (If you want to read the small is a source you can look through...warning: it has small print and few pictures.

I'm a fan of research. I'm a fact finder. I'm a natural-born skeptic. And I like to see proof in black and white. So, these studies really do interest me. With that in mind, I have formulated a theory about this obese mice issue. Ridding the world of fat mice will make thinner people! If you have fat mice in YOUR house, do your best to  make them more fit and healthy! Instead of eating a box of cookies on the couch and letting them eat the crumbs of that high-fat a handful of carrots while dusting the piano. Even if you do drop some of that food on the floor, when the mouse finds it under the piano bench, he'll be getting more nutrients and healthy food than those sofa cookies. Stop thinking about YOURSELF. There are poor chubby rodents that need YOUR HELP! Fat mice = fat homes.

Before you get all "smarty pants" on me and tell me, "Steph, those studies are done in labs to represent how the human body works...blah, blah blah" (anytime anyone corrects me, all I hear is the blah, blah, blah part)...please place your focus on the real intent of this blog post. It is really a promotion of healthy snacking with just a smidge of sarcastic humor for decoration. We all snack and while you can treat yourself to fun snacks every now and then, really try to give your body high-quality snacks so you get more bang for your buck. Personally, I've tried to add more protein snacks into my diet. They fill me up better, carry me longer, and make me feel better.

So, there's some healthy food for thought!


Today's post is courtesy of Patricia Moreno and Satilife.   Become a warrior in your own world. 

Today I want you to focus on being grateful for the things in your life that we often take for granted.  How often do you find yourself complaining about your body- how it looks, its strength, its ability to do what you want it to do? Compare that to how often you find yourself thanking your body, i.e. "thank you legs for carrying me around all day!", "thank you arms for enabling me to carry my groceries!" Have you ever thanked your heart for pumping?  
Corey, a friend and co-worker of mine at Equinox in NYC, recently had a tragic accident. He was in an elevator when it dropped 8 floors. Although he did walk out of the elevator, he is now experiencing a loss of function in his legs. When difficult things happen to other people, we are given an opportunity to stop and reflect on our own lives.
How would you act if you were present to the preciousness of your body? Of your life?
Today, commit to simply loving what is. Loving your body as it is right now. Loving your age as it is right now. Your health, your life as they are Right Now. When you hear yourself criticizing, stop, reflect, and shift your perspective. Can you find a deeper level of appreciation for the preciousness of it all?  Instead of simply focusing on what you don't like, can you start to get real about how you have been feeding and treating yourself? 
It can be hard to change our eating habits, exercise regularly, deal with stressful situations, say no to ourselves when we want that extra serving. But imagine how much harder it would be to deal with a sick, tired, injured or unhealthy body.
Let's not waste one more precious moment complaining! Instead dealget real and appreciate the value of your body and all it does for you!
Love yourself now, as you are, and be thankful for the opportunity and ability to make a difference. 

Another weigh-in down...

We are hoping everyone had a great weigh-in this past week!

Total, the Kingman-Norwich Recreation's Biggest Loser Contest has dropped 95 pounds in the past 4 weeks. With 76 people participants (I do not guarantee my math), that is pretty incredible!

This week Andi and I had mixed results. She did great, I did so-so. But, we're still on par and while I did have several "frowny" moments...I'm still motivated and trying to push through a mental and physical wall. And I'll get there!

Next week should show big numbers from people! We're excited to see what happens!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Your Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!!!  In honor of Valentine's Day tomorrow, I decided to go red!!    I also decided this would be a great opportunity to chat with you about this day that people either seem to love or hate. 

Valentine's day (and halloween and easter and Christmas) can be a very difficult day for me because I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!  As long as I can remember I have been excited about that little red heart box with those yummy chocolates in them.  The Reese's peanut butter hearts (and eggs and christmas trees and pumpkins) are my favorite!    And many, many times Valentine's day has been the holiday that demolishes my New Years Resolution.  But not this year!!  

Not only does this dreaded day bring chocolate, but it also brings hoards of emotions.  And that alone can be enough to derail somebody's good intentions.   So I'm going to start with the emotional aspect of everything first.   

It sucks not having "someone" on Valentine's Day.  Everyone around you is oohing and ahhing over the great things their lover has done for them.  And all you can think of is the fact that you are likely going to die an old lonely person who never got a box of chocolates.  But this is the year to turn that thinking around!!!!   

You don't NEED another person to tell you how great you are, all you have to do is look in the mirror.  This Valentine's Day let's concentrate on loving ourselves. Write yourself a love note and list all of the great qualities you have.  Love your body enough to give it a good heart-pounding workout.  Don't be afraid to do something for yourself to celebrate the greatest love - the love within us.   Buy yourself a chocolate, drink a glass of wine, watch your favorite move - heck, send yourself flowers!!  Because YOU deserve it.  Take this time to realize that you don't have to have another person tell you how much you deserve it.   And if you do need to hear it from an outside source, then listen up, my friend:  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!  YOU ARE  STRONG!  YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR HEART AND MIND TO!  AND YOU DESERVE SOMETHING SPECIAL.    Don't let the emotional aspect of Valentine's day tear you down and result in you disrespecting your body by bingeing on high fat, high calorie foods.

Which brings me to the next subject - notice I said don't BINGE.  I didn't say don't ENJOY.  Because you CAN enjoy it.   You know what?  A piece of Russel Stover Chocolate is 70 calories.   You CAN have a chocolate.  You can even have two.  Just don't eat the whole box.  It's all about moderation - it's not about deprivation.  We still have to LIVE.  And part of living is enjoying the small things in life.    Eat a nice dinner, have a piece of chocolate and ENJOY it.  Really take time to taste it and smell it and feel the texture.  And when the evening is over, so is Valentine's Day, and you can move on.   Don't let your celebrating last for a week - and don't beat yourself up over one little meal or one little treat.  That ONE thing is NEVER what wrecks your weight loss plans - it's everything that happens afterward.  

This Valentine's day make a vow to love yourself.  Love yourself enough to know you deserve something special.  And love yourself enough to get right back on track, keeping your food journal, exercising your body, letting go of guilt, and knowing you're an awesome person!!! 


The other day I had someone tell me they would like to see some recipes posted on our blog.  Let me start by saying THANK YOU for the feedback and the ideas!!!   I hope more people start reading the blog and start sending us their feedback! 

This first recipe is so very simple, yet SO VERY DELICIOUS!!!    Let me just warn you that I do not follow recipes and I don't use measurements, which frankly makes it difficult to share recipes.  So I will give you the basics of this and you can tweak it as you like. 

ITALIAN CHICKEN STUFF  (yep, that's how I name my recipes, too - lol )

3 or 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter  spray
1 bag of frozen green beans
1 pkg of dry italian seasoning mix
3 or 4 potatoes (optional)

Place chicken breasts and green beans into the slow cooker.    Unscrew the spray lid on the butter and pour to the 1/2 cup mark of a liquid measuring cup.  Fill the cup with water to the 3/4 mark. (you can use more or less butter spray and more or less water, depending on how you like it)    Mix the dry seasoning mix in with the butter mixture and stir well.  (This is the point where if you want to add potatoes, go ahead and put them in now.  I usually slice them in half when I put them in.  It's delicious either way!)  

Pour the butter mixture over the chicken.  

You can just cook this all day and when you get home from work you have a delicious meal waiting for you!  It doesn't have to be cooked in a slow cooker though, if you prefer, put all of the ingredients in a baking dish, cover with foil, and cook on 350 degrees for about an hour or until everything is juicy and tender!   


Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Diet I Can Recommend

I finally found a diet I can completely recommend. Listed below are the instructions. Do it as often as you can each many times as you can each day. The results will amaze you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Weight Loss Fads

Okay BL now you should be starting to get a generalized idea as to what will work and what won't work for you in losing weight.

We've all been talking about it...we all have different ideas. Maybe you count calories, maybe you restrict carbs, maybe you are on an all-cupcake diet (SOUNDS AWESOME, but probably not working), maybe you are switching up your exercise routine. There are millions upon millions of different ideas for "The Best Weight Loss Secrets". And, we get flogged by them daily.

Here's what we all see when we are at the grocery store trying to buy our healthy meals....

WHAT? Lose 7 lbs. in 7 days? AMAZING! Hell, if Jennifer  Aniston says her  plan is "easy" I can do it!  Suck on THAT Brad and Angelina!

Ohhhh, those Royals have it DOWN! Not only will I learn their slimming secrets, but I will do so with an awesome British accent! (PS: I typed that with an awesome British accent!)

Wait...Janet "Miss Jackson if you're nasty" lost 60 in 4 months...I'm getting THOSE abs!

 10 pounds! Do able! All I need to do is buy THIS magazine AND a pair of shorts just like that!

I will try EVERY Star Diet until I find one that makes me skinny! THIS magazine is my answer!

I take numerous issue with the idea behind these magazines. First and foremost -- our bodies are all different and we need to accept that what works for some may not work for us. We have to be willing to individualize our body's needs. For example...even with Andi and myself -- we can't do the exact same thing and expect the same results. 

Secondly, for a successful "diet" to work -- you have to make it permanent. The word "diet" itself implies that this is a temporary fix to a permanent problem. Can you do this for the rest of your life? 

Thirdly, is this safe? A healthy eating lifestyle should promote well-balanced eating, regular exercise, and mental clarity. Pills, powders, starvation, deprivation, etc....those all may work on a temporary basis, but your body needs HEALTHY and SAFE changes for a lifetime. 

And finally...where do you find these magazines? At the check-out stand. Next to the candy bars. That's just crazy! They are hitting us at our weakest moment. Literally, we feel as if we have a fat tubby devil on one shoulder telling us that "after a day like we've had we really need a Snicker's bar to make it all better" and a delusional anorexic angel on the other shoulder telling us, "Ohhh...I just saw that actress on Dancing With The Stars, they've got their act together, let's eat whatever they eat." Really, it's a lose/lose situation. 

Listen to your'll tell you way more than these magazines will. There ARE some great resources out there with sound healthy advise. By all means, read those. But if it says, "Lose 10 pounds in 5 days and Magic Rainbows will shoot out of your belly button, men will beg to see your naked body, and all your dreams come true"'s probably a waste of your money.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Post Weigh-In Update

Just got back from weighing in at the Rec Building and Andi and I both lost a pound more than we did last week, so we feel pretty good about it!

That's our goal --- not to blast the scales, not to beat the other teams, not to bask in the glory of victory --- but to be better than we were the day before. It doesn't matter if your "better" comes in the form of a lighter weight, a bigger smile, the ability to run longer, finally forgiving yourself or others for the past...whatever it is you need to improve on -- just focus on that. And each day try to be better than you were the day before. Your ONLY competitor on this journey should be yourself.

Wednesday/Weigh Day

It's Wednesday!!!   For some of us (me) Wednesday brings great joy and excitement because I know I'm going to allow myself to have a treat(s) today.   I will blog about this concept later - right now I want to talk about the emotions that Wednesday (weigh day - whatever that day is for you) brings for some people. 

Fear, sadness, disappointment, regret, guilt, shame, anger.....these are all emotions that one little instrument can bring out in us in a matter of seconds, that dreaded scale.   I totally understand these emotions and have felt many of them myself, but today I want to try to turn this all around.  Today I bring you this challenge:  DO NOT LET THE SCALE DEFINE YOU.    Because it doesn't.  

The only thing that scale tells you is the measurement in pounds of the mass of muscle, tissue, water and skin that happens to be holding your bones together for that minute.  Yes, that MINUTE.   Our bodies change constantly based on hormones, hydration, stress level, physical illness - there are hundreds of things that make the needle go up and down on that scale.    You could weigh at 8 a.m. and see a different number than you would at 5 p.m. of the same day.  You could weigh at 8 a.m. every day and see a different number from day to day. 

The scale is just a tool.  And I know it's hard to remember that when we're using it as a basis for a competition.  When that is the ONLY tool that decides whether we "win" or "lose".  And honestly, it's a shame that there isn't another way to gauge a competition, because that SCALE  - that little piece of metal that has no purpose unless it's being stepped on - should not be the one thing that many of us hold so important in our lives.  It does NOT tell our stories. It does NOT reflect who we truly are or what we are truly striving for. 

Today (or any day) when you step on that scale - use that number SOLELY for the purpose that it has, to guide you and help you know whether you're still on course or way off track.  As disappointing as it can be when you're trying to lose weight and you stand on the scale and it shows that you're at the same place you were last week - remember what a positive thing that is.  Because you are still on track.  

That scale doesn't show all the healthy meals you've eaten in the last week, all the workouts you've put in.  It doesn't display the fact that you've built muscle and fought cancer and made your heart a little healthier.  THAT'S the kind of scale we need to have for our heads. We need a scale with big neon lights that flash "Nancy lowered her cholesterol this week by choosing whole grains!"  Or "Fred jogged for two minutes on Tuesday without having to stop!!"    THOSE are the things we need to remember. Those are the reasons we are on this journey.  And THOSE are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than a little bitty number that's not even going to be the same tomorrow.  Because tomorrow, Fred will be jogging for two minutes and five seconds....and he will be a winner. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Change and Fog...

There's my line-up for what I used to think was an awesome daily menu! Breakfast- a McCafe Caramel Frappe (small-sized, of course, I mean I WAS watching my figure). Lunch - A Subway Sandwich with a bag of Baked Lays chips (again, THOUGHT I was being healthy with that choice). On the way home - A small M&M McFlurry...sometimes we'd throw in some hot fudge because, well we had a Subway Sandwich for lunch so we DESERVED this treat, right? My favorite supper at home -- Frozen Pizza! Yeah, I'd eat a good half of it, or more. The calorie intake on this would be around 2,700 for the day. Coulda' done worse (Andrea may have winced at that use of grammar), I know, but that's still not a menu I am proud to say that I enjoyed. And I'm not going to lie right now and say that those pictures don't look appetizing. Because they do! If I were alone in my office right now, I might even lick the screen! is not yesterday. Now my calorie intake has averaged around 700-1,300 calories per day. And I'm very satisfied with our meal choices. I get fuller on the healthy choices. I feel better about what we eat. There's no "walk of shame" to the trash can to throw away an empty McFlurry container. I'm not saying you need to give up all those treats you used to enjoy...I don't plan  on that. But act smarter. Count them in to your daily calorie intake. Burn them off in the gym. And move on!

There are three components in life that drive us to change. Fear. Obligation. Guilt. Otherwise known as FOG. Even in this weigh loss challenge we are driven by FOG. FEAR of letting down our teammates, letting down our family, falling into old unhealthy habits, looking like a failure in our community, destroying our bodies. There is a lot of FEAR involved any time you take on change. OBLIGATION to others who have taken this journey with us. An OBLIGATION to our family to be healthier because if WE are healthy, our families will be healthy. An OBLIGATION to ourselves to be the best we can be. And GUILT. GUILT that if we slip up and take steps backwards, we will hurt our teammates chances of a good week. GUILT when we look at our bodies and think about the destructive behaviors we've had in the past. WE did this to ourselves. No one else. GUILT that we haven't done all we could in the past.

So, you can either see this FOG that we do to ourselves day in and day out as a negative force holding you down, OR, you can embrace it as a valuable motivational tool. This FOG can be your security blanket as you take this journey...something that you wrap around yourself to protect yourself from temptations and negativity. Instead of being afraid of failing, acknowledge the fear and use it as a way to measure your growth. Example -- "Yesterday I was afraid I would be tempted by the candy jar at work....but I made it all day without dipping into it! I beat that fear!" Don't see your OBLIGATIONS as negative things that hold you down, but rather springs to propel you forward. "I can do this because I have an obligation to myself, to my family, to my team, to always be the best I can be." And don't see guilt as something that you look at with disgust. Look it as something that made you how you are today and has give you strength to move forward. "I used to spend my evenings on the couch watching TV, but now I workout for an hour and this has give me more energy to do more for myself and my family."

(RAMBLING WARNING AHEAD: I'm not sure this is going to make sense but I'm going to try it anyway.)
I think it is very important to separate your emotions in your head from your taste buds in your mouth. There is a lot of negative FOG in emotional eating. Find a way to make it positive FOG for emotional living instead. Attach those feelings you get when you eat where they belong, not on your plate.

Change --- whether it be big or little - is something unnatural for humans to accept. It can swirl us with a lot of negative FOG. I'm asking you today to be super-human. Change something unhealthy in your life and move forward!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Become the master of your remote

Today I challenge you to grab your "life remote" and change the channel in your head. Don't allow that constant chatter that plays in your head to tear you down all day. Instead of leaving the channel on CNN (Constant Negativity Network) change that channel to your OWN network. (Not Oprah Winfrey's - unless of course you love Oprah Winfrey and she inspires you. :-) Take the opportunity to OWN your thoughts, OWN your decisions and OWN the actions of your day. As crazy as it seems, if you need to, carry around an old TV remote with you. Every time a negative thought enters your head, pull out that remote and CHANGE IT! Consciously decide that you are going to push those harming thoughts and ideas out of your head and replace them with positive thoughts and intentions. Love yourself enough to know that you DESERVE control of the ideas and information that enter your psyche. So what channel will YOUR station be on today?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Read this poster. Now read it again. Read it until you really GET IT. Yes, everybody would like to be thin, and yes that is a small portion of the motivation to exercise. But it should be just that - a SMALL portion. Honestly, if all you care about is being skinny, then just put your fork down and don't worry about exercise. You will "lose weight" and "get skinny" much faster by cutting way down on your food intake than you will by increasing your exercise. That's when we have to decide what it is we REALLY want. Would you rather be SKINNY or HEALTHY? What's most important to you? You'll have to forgive me - there are so many different ways I want to go with this blog right now - I will try to stay focused and just keep it to one simple point.....hmmm....what point do I want that to be today....... Let's start with "why". I want you to ask yourself that question. "Why do I want to exercise? Why do I want to eat healthy?" And if the answer to that question is anything other than "Because I'm an important person and I deserve to be the best that I can be. My family deserves to have the best me they can possibly have. I am WORTH it" then I challenge you to sit back and think about all of these statements. YOU ARE WORTH IT. It doesn't matter what anybody has told you before, it doesn't matter what you've spent years telling yourself, I am telling you right here and now that you ARE worth it. You are worthy of being treated well - and who better to treat you well than yourself? You may have other people in your life you have to consider. You may even have a great support system, a great spouse, a great friend - all people who we expect to be kind to us, to treat us well, to tell us we're awesome. And they should. But you know what, at the end of the day, the only people left standing there are you and the person in the mirror. And if that person in the mirror refuses to tell you how awesome you are, then how can we expect any of the other people in our lives to do it either? Loving yourself is not an easy task. So many people struggle with this part of becoming healthy. If I asked you to name one person who is constantly talking bad about you, I can guarantee you that nobody is worse than yourself. If I heard somebody else say some of the things about me that I have said about (to) myself it would be devastating. When a parent tells a child over and over that they are stupid, what does that child eventually think about himself? He's convinced he's stupid. Well, that's what we're doing to ourselves when we tell ourselves we're not worth the 30 minutes or hour of "me" time to go work out or to take that exercise class. Instead of looking at exercise as a "chore" that we "have" to do - take some you time and make it be something you enjoy. Let's teach our kids that exercise is a fun part of life and teach them how to implement it into our daily routine. Let's view exercise as a means of being healthy and not just in order to be skinny. Let's teach our kids that being HEALTHY is more important than being skinny. Let's start treating ourselves just as good or better than we would treat the one person on this earth we love the most. Read the poster again.....Exercise to be healthy, not skinny. Eat for nourishment and energy. Ignore those people around you who try to bring you down. And love yourself as you'd like others to love you. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!