Friday, February 17, 2012

Weight Loss Studies

I've read through a TON of weight-loss research studies. Page after page of "up to date findings" over and over -- America is getting fatter/ obesity is on the rise/ poor eating habits are to blame/ oh wait, no, it's genetics that is to blame (findings of a "fat gene), everyone is going to get diabetes, school cafeteria cooks should be dragged into the streets and shot for what they are doing to children, video games are ruining society....etc. I'm sure you've seen the headlines.

Here's what sticks out in my mind: "Animal models of obesity have accelerated the pace of discovery in obesity research." In layman's terms -- Scientists are targeting fat mice. (If you want to read the small is a source you can look through...warning: it has small print and few pictures.

I'm a fan of research. I'm a fact finder. I'm a natural-born skeptic. And I like to see proof in black and white. So, these studies really do interest me. With that in mind, I have formulated a theory about this obese mice issue. Ridding the world of fat mice will make thinner people! If you have fat mice in YOUR house, do your best to  make them more fit and healthy! Instead of eating a box of cookies on the couch and letting them eat the crumbs of that high-fat a handful of carrots while dusting the piano. Even if you do drop some of that food on the floor, when the mouse finds it under the piano bench, he'll be getting more nutrients and healthy food than those sofa cookies. Stop thinking about YOURSELF. There are poor chubby rodents that need YOUR HELP! Fat mice = fat homes.

Before you get all "smarty pants" on me and tell me, "Steph, those studies are done in labs to represent how the human body works...blah, blah blah" (anytime anyone corrects me, all I hear is the blah, blah, blah part)...please place your focus on the real intent of this blog post. It is really a promotion of healthy snacking with just a smidge of sarcastic humor for decoration. We all snack and while you can treat yourself to fun snacks every now and then, really try to give your body high-quality snacks so you get more bang for your buck. Personally, I've tried to add more protein snacks into my diet. They fill me up better, carry me longer, and make me feel better.

So, there's some healthy food for thought!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!!! I think I would be skinny if I had mice in my home because #1, my heart rate would go up every time I see one and that is sure to burn a few extra calories. #2 I would burn calories chasing the little rodents around the house firing at them with my staple gun. #3 I would gain muscle carrying out the five gallon bucket with the mouse in the bottom covered by the boulders that I've thrown in there to make sure that the mouse won't get me.
