Tuesday, February 28, 2012

False advertising

*DISCLAIMER:  I may be in a high state of irrational thinking today, so beware the use of curse words and other such nonsense.

So I just saw an ad for a certain diet company - I won't tell you what company it is, but I'll give you a hint,  it sounds a lot like "Feight Fotchers".    Anyway, in their ad they claim "No food is ever off limits!"  And to that I call BULLS*&T!  

Now I'm normally the first person to tell you to never deprive yourself, never cut out a whole food group, never say you "can't" have something or you'll "never" eat something again.  That just totally F*#$'s up your brain (my brain) and wreaks havoc with your system.  Not to mention the harm it can do to your body, depending on what it is you decide you're never going to eat again. Especially if you try to do it long term.  And overall, I think that certain diet program the ad was for is a great program and a healthy way to lose weight. 

But today - today I have to be realistic.  And the realistic side of me says "Kiss my A&$ Feight Fotchers!!! No  I CAN'T eat anything I want!"  Okay, that might be the irrational side talking there mostly, but there is a bit of reality mixed in with it.  Because today, number one, is the day before weigh day.  And on the day before weigh day (when we're involved in a stupid competition ((Sorry KNRC - I really do appreciate you)) with overly competitive teammates ((sorry teammates - I really do love you all and am happy to be on your team)) who might slit my throat if I follow my urges) I REALLY CAN'T eat just whatever I want and some things ARE off limits.    For example, the fried pickles that I've been craving for the past two days, they are off limits. The deep dish pizza that I'd like to sink my teeth into - it is off limits.  The box of girl scout cookies in my freezer that is 15 feet away from me as I write this - they can't be opened.   Does that mean I will never eat fried pickles, deep dish pizza or girl scout cookies again?  HELL NO.  In fact, I might eat all of that tomorrow! LOL  (Just kidding - I am in NO WAY recommending anybody eat all of that in the same day).  But it means that because of my circumstances today, because of the scale tomorrow, and because I know I'm in a state of hormonal disarray and would likely binge if I even took a bite of any of that, I KNOW I CAN'T have that today. 

Does it piss me off?  Yeah, it does.  In the most irrational way, it does.  It makes me pout and sulk.  It might even make me say things I don't mean to people who don't deserve it (Sorry, Steph).  And it makes me get angry at innocent little banner ads that come up on the internet telling me no food is off limits.  But, you know what this REALLY is?  It's a victory.  It might be a victory disguised by a frowny face, but it's still a victory.  Because two months ago on a day like today I WOULD have eaten all of those things.  Yep, probably all in the same day. And then I would vow to start my healthy eating again tomorrow. 

So let's turn that phrase around a bit and say "Nothing is ALWAYS off limits."   But sometimes it just has to be. And you should celebrate the victory in knowing when and why.   And if you're a control freak like me and don't like being told what to do, celebrate the fact that YOU really DO have control by choosing what is right for you that day.  And by golly, on a day you're feeling good, on a day you don't feel out of control, go get some dang fried pickles, stop when you're satisfied, and eat healthy the rest of the day.  Because you CAN. 

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