Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just Listen

It's an overcast, drizzly day in Kingman, Kansas today and with that comes the urge to crawl onto the couch with a box of Girl Scout cookies, a soft blanket, and a line-up of TV shows you've had DVR'd for the past month but have been too busy to watch. Even if the weather was bright and sunny, we all still have those days when we just want to shut down.

How do you fight that urge?
How do you find the strength day after day to stay on a healthy lifestyle routine?
When seemingly every ounce of your body is begging you to just stop, lay down, and eat whatever poor helpless sugary victim comes wandering into your mouth...how do you NOT give in?

I'd like to say, "Well, it's easy, you just ___________" and then I'd fill in the blank with some magic cure for weather/emotion onset laziness. But, it's just not that simple. Just like there is no Magic Bullet for weight loss, there is also not a Magic Bullet for finding a motivational needle in a big haystack of cravings and dieting exhaustion. There just isn't a clear-cut answer for every person.

But there IS one thing we all have and if you are reading this blog I KNOW you have it because if you've committed to reading this far then you've faced the same battles we have. We all have that tiny little voice in the back of our mind that says, "I can do this" even when every other part of our being says we can't. Even when your mouth is saying everything negative it can possibly muster up...even when your body won't even bend over to tie your workout shoes....even when you've just written a $30 check for those damn Girl Scout cookies...even when there is a three-hour Cupcake War marathon on the Food Network...there IS a voice deep inside you that STILL says "I can do this". This voice doesn't ever give up on you. It always wants to push you to be stronger in your most weak moments. Even when you try to tune it out because this is all just "too hard"...it is still there. Waiting for you to agree. To tie your shoes. To stand on your feet. To put one foot in front of the other and MOVE.

The voice is calling you...listen for it....you can do this....

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