Friday, February 17, 2012


Today's post is courtesy of Patricia Moreno and Satilife.   Become a warrior in your own world. 

Today I want you to focus on being grateful for the things in your life that we often take for granted.  How often do you find yourself complaining about your body- how it looks, its strength, its ability to do what you want it to do? Compare that to how often you find yourself thanking your body, i.e. "thank you legs for carrying me around all day!", "thank you arms for enabling me to carry my groceries!" Have you ever thanked your heart for pumping?  
Corey, a friend and co-worker of mine at Equinox in NYC, recently had a tragic accident. He was in an elevator when it dropped 8 floors. Although he did walk out of the elevator, he is now experiencing a loss of function in his legs. When difficult things happen to other people, we are given an opportunity to stop and reflect on our own lives.
How would you act if you were present to the preciousness of your body? Of your life?
Today, commit to simply loving what is. Loving your body as it is right now. Loving your age as it is right now. Your health, your life as they are Right Now. When you hear yourself criticizing, stop, reflect, and shift your perspective. Can you find a deeper level of appreciation for the preciousness of it all?  Instead of simply focusing on what you don't like, can you start to get real about how you have been feeding and treating yourself? 
It can be hard to change our eating habits, exercise regularly, deal with stressful situations, say no to ourselves when we want that extra serving. But imagine how much harder it would be to deal with a sick, tired, injured or unhealthy body.
Let's not waste one more precious moment complaining! Instead dealget real and appreciate the value of your body and all it does for you!
Love yourself now, as you are, and be thankful for the opportunity and ability to make a difference. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this motivation! How often we take for granted what we have and don't use what we have to its full potential. Thanks for the reminder!
