Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Earlier this week I posted the blog with my wondering thoughts of how life would be post-Biggest Loser Challenge.  Today I received this poster as my answer.  Discipline.  It's the ONLY way to succeed at anything.  Discipline as a word has such a negative vibe.  It's almost as though "discipline" and "punishment" go hand in hand, and some days it feels that way!!  But we need to separate the two words and take the negative connotation out of discipline.  It doesn't HAVE to be a bad thing.   And frankly, discipline = accomplishment and accomplishment SHOULD feel good!

Some of us right now are starting a new phase in life, learning how "normal" day to day habits will be without a competition looming over us. Some of us are just hoping to continue the healthy habits we've created over the past 8 weeks.  And some of us are probably still thinking about "starting" a healthy living plan.  But no matter where you are on that spectrum, the common denominator is discipline.  That doesn't mean we have to be "perfect" all of the time, every day.  That just means that whatever we do, we need to make it a conscious decision.  I'm choosing today to eat a piece of birthday cake, and it's ok.  I'm also choosing today to eat a salad for lunch instead of the cheeseburger, and that's ok too.

If any of you Kingman or Cheney BL contestants watch the Biggest Loser on NBC, I wonder if you saw the irony of  last night's program in connection with our contest ending this week.   Last night all of the contestants went to singles instead of being on a team.  In essence, that's where we are at this week, too.  It's time to focus our healthy lifestyle on ourselves and do it because WE deserve it - not just because you don't want to disappoint your teammate or you fear the embarrassment of standing on a scale and having somebody else weigh you.   Our mindsets now need to shift from "diet" or "contest" to "living the life I want to live."  And the healthy life we all DESERVE.

Keep that positive, healthy, discipline in your life, my friends.  We will continue this blog as long as we know someone is out there sharing in the journey.



  1. Perfect. Thank you! I am SO glad you'll be continuing your blog :)

  2. Thanks Allissa!! Knowing there's somebody reading it and getting something out of it (even if it's just circling our typos in red ink) makes it that much more enjoyable to write. And seriously, it's because of people like you and your comments and encouragement that we are able to keep going. So THANK YOU!!!!
