Friday, March 2, 2012

The Road is Long

The road to a weight loss victory is long and I'm really not sure if we ever really complete it. But, success = happiness. And once you gain that, victory can be considered yours!

Today I needed a morale boost. Though I know I've made healthy changes and have felt better...last week the scale didn't give me the big numbers I felt I was "owed". Fighting a funk to keep going, I called my physician's office to get a record of the weights they've recorded in my medical file over the past 12 years. I've decided to share them...more for me, so I can visually see that every day is improving.

5/17/2000 - 291
11/28/01 - 289
2/24/03 - 305 (this was likely the same appointment I was diagnosed as a diabetic)
4/13/03 - 305
7/6/04 - 289
8/17/05 - 285
1/16/06 - 286
12/26/07 - 249
10/31/08 - 262.25
8/13/09 - 258

Where are we at today (3/2/12): 217. Aiming to lose a BIG 13 pounds before the end of the Rec's Biggest Loser Contest. It's a lofty goal, and a bit of a random number, but looks lucky to me so we're going to shoot for it!

In this battle, we have to be able to look back at where we've been to gain better perspective of where we are going. There is a big difference between glancing in the rear view mirror and living in the past. One big difference is that today you are willing to let go of the harmful things you didn't think you could live without in your past. And that could be one of the most empowering lessons you learn on this journey. Those objects in your mirror, they no longer have a grip on are beating them!

Take a moment today to take a look in your rear view mirror and then enjoy the journey ahead of you!

1 comment:

  1. So very proud of you, Steph, and you should be tremendously proud of yourself!!! I know it's been a long road, and there have definitely been hills and valleys, but the important thing is that you just KEEP GOING. Life happens and we deal with it. Thank you for having the courage to share your numbers. I hope this brings strength and encouragement to many more people. :-)
