Sunday, March 11, 2012

Encourage others

This quote sums up what this blog site does for us.
We hit very low spots on our journey to "better living" (though that entire sentence looks like an oxymoron). But we know we can come on here, share our thoughts with YOU...encourage YOU to push, to try, to  be more than you were just the moment before. And that encourages us.

There is absolutely NOTHING easy about taking the high road every time you go out to eat. There is NOTHING fun about the stress we feel before we step on the scale. There is NOTHING worse than that feeling when the scale doesn't move or even goes up a pound or two (except maybe getting a sticker in your foot when you are walking through the yard...that trumps it all). You don't know if you should throw up or cry, but suddenly you want to do both at the same time. Those are the moments we need to reach out to others and have the same done for us.

If you want this Biggest Loser competition to be just that -- a competition, then that is all that it will be. At the end (this week), there will be "winners" and there will be "losers" and there will be a 1st place, a 2nd place, a 15th place, etc. But if you want this Biggest Loser competition to be MORE than a silly contest, THAT is up to you. What you do after this week and every week from here on out is totally up to you. You can either use the Biggest Loser contest as a stepping stone to something awesome, or just some thing you did with friends to lose a few pounds. The choice is yours. It really doesn't matter what happens at our final weigh-in on Wednesday...what matters is what you do on Thursday and Friday and Saturday...wait, Saturday is St. Patrick's Day, so let's forget I mentioned Saturday...and Sunday and Monday and all the days after that. Was this just a fad for you or is this something you can keep doing? That's what you need to decide now!


  1. Awesome!! I needed this!!

  2. I Really needed this too.. My scale at home was Definitely NOT my friend this morning after a weekend baby shower and St. Pat's sausage dinner.. The changes I'm making are meant to be lifelong, not just a few weeks. I will NOT let a weekend totally derail the progress I've made!
    Thanks girls for your blog ~ It's great!
