Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pin the bib back on.

After sharing with Steph some of my struggles this week she cleverly (and geniusly - even though that's not a word, I will use it for her) made a "Start" line for me at the edge of my doorway.   Because she knows my marathon mentality, and the fact that even in the worst of circumstances, I have NEVER quit a marathon.  She expressed to me that this journey we are on is our own marathon and no matter what happens, we just can't give up. (told you she was a genius) :-)  So every morning I look down and I cross that Start line and remind myself to just keep pushing.   A running coach once told me that if I feel like I can't move my legs any further, then all I have to do is move my arms and my legs will have to follow.   JUST KEEP MOVING.  

Then this morning one of the first posts I read on Facebook was this: 

A friend sent me this, just what I needed this morning! We all run. We all fall. Each day presents us with fresh opportunities to allow the mercy, strength and grace of God to intervene in our lives. So whatever you face today, friend, run. Run to win the prize. Run like the wind. And when you fall; don’t throw in the towel, don’t point fingers, don’t stew, and don’t quit. Get right back up and run again… in the mercy, strength and grace of God. 

Coincidence?  I think not.   In this journey we're going to fall.  It's impossible to go that many "miles" without a trip up here and there.  Even if you need to lay down for a moment and take a rest, it's ok.  Just don't forget to get back up again.  Get up, look down at the start line, and keep moving forward. 

Peace, Love, Happiness and Health, my friends!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts!!!! It looks as if you received some Divine encouragement today! Crazy how that happens!
