Thursday, March 22, 2012

Motivation for a Healthy Life

Motivation. Gah. It really takes a lot of energy just to type out the word! Motivation to earn a living get us out of bed and sends us off to work. Motivation to have a nice lawn finds us pushing a mower. Motivation to smell and look descent and never get caught with dirty underwear puts us in front of a washing machine to do laundry...sometimes for what seems like an eternity. Yes,'s that one factor in our daily lives that gets us from point A to point B. It doesn't matter if your motivation is for greatness or just to make it through until you can go back to's still there.

What you do with motivation is up to you. It's kind of like water. We need it to sustain life, but what we do with it can vary...drink it straight and take it all in, dilute it with negativity and only get half of what we need, exaggerate it by freezing it and mixing it in a margarita, fill it up to the brim and pass it around to others....possibilities are endless! Leave motivation at home and end up dehydrated and lethargic.

I'm guessing if you are reading this you are on a constant search for motivation. You don't just stumble on to a blog site like this and read this far into it with no purpose! Unless you are just generally nosey and want to know what Andi and I are up to. If that is the case, you will be most disappointed in how boring we are! If you are that interested, let us know and we can spend an hour telling you about the most amazing "Wheel of Fortune" show we have ever seen (the lady told Pat that she loved him....we laughed for DAYS). But if motivation is what you are seeking, maybe we can help with that. It is as easy as one word - now.

Now is your chance to restart your life from how you lived before. Forget what you did just seconds before you read this and realize that NOW is the time that matters. I don't care if you ate junk food the past week, gained 10 lbs., kicked your neighbor's cat, made out with a guy who was a really bad kisser 25 years ago, stole post-it notes from your office, or didn't tip the lousy waiter you had last weekend...all that matters is now. Now is your motivation. It is an instant "do over" for all the things in your past. It is the ultimate personal forgiveness. What you do with now is up to you. Will you make it another regret or will you move past your regrets, your fears, your mental limits, all that bull**** that is weighing you down and give now a chance? It's here. It's waiting. It's been given to you for free. Grab it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this a few days after you posted.. but it's the PERFECT day for me. I got up this morning and got on my scale again (down 1.5 from last week!) and had myself a bowl of organic oatmeal with flax seed and a scoop of blueberries. My "NOW" was a better morning than my late night snack last night.. frozen yogurt and microwave popcorn :-/ at almost 10pm. But, NOW is time to get Back on track, again.. :-) Hope you girls have a GREAT Wednesday!
