Monday, March 12, 2012

"Last Weigh In"

As Steph mentioned in her post below, this week is the last weigh in for KNRC's Biggest Loser Competition.   And wouldn't you know just about the time I log on here to whine about "what am I going to do now" and "what if I gain the weight back" Steph has already posted a blog just SHUTTING ME DOWN.   I hate it when she does that - she's always right!!!! (Well, not ALWAYS, but I never tell her that. :-)  

We've had 8 weeks of strict food and stringent exercising.  It has definitely been a competition level - a level that I cannot maintain for life.   My brain and my body are already trying to slip into the mindset of being "finished" even though technically there are still two days to go. I'm excited to be able to eat the things I "couldn't" eat for the last 8 weeks.  I have a whole list of restaurants I want to go to. Some that I NEVER would've gone to before, but because they were off limits, NOW I want to go to them for some reason!  I already have a date with homemade cinnamon rolls on Thursday, have planned a fiesta fling for Friday night, and am going to make a toast to the McKennon heritage with beer on St. Patty's day.    And I'm ok with all of that, because life will happen and I refuse to stop living.  But what then?

That's the big question weighing on my mind right now.  I KNOW this journey isn't finished.  It can never be finished if I don't want to end up right back here where I'm at.  So really, the difficult part of this journey has just begun.  Because now, instead of having the fear of my teammates and the scale staring me in the face to "make" me do the right thing, I just simply have to respect myself enough to do it.  And honestly, that is not something that comes easy to me, and I know some of you can relate to that feeling.    As Steph said in her post below, this blog will hopefully be a big part of  the post competition success.  We will need you even more than ever now!  I hope you're willing to continue this journey with us.  I hope you will share this with your friends, and they with their friends, because we are going to need your feedback and your support in order to push through.  And we would like to do the same for you.  

Please leave us a message and give us some more ideas of what things you'd like to read here.   What YOU would like to get from this blog.  Thank you for being there to help keep us accountable. And as my quotation marks in the title of this blog indicate, there will never TRULY be a LAST weigh in because our journey will never end.  


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