Thursday, January 19, 2012

About the KNRC Biggest Loser Contest...

The contest we are taking part in is a competition of weight loss based on percentage of loss, not pounds. Yes, just like the popular TV reality show "The Biggest Loser"....minus the commercial breaks, Bob Harper's snarl and Dolvet's amazing teeth and rock hard abs (insert "swoon" here).

Each team consists of four members, male or female. Each team weighs in on Wednesdays. If a participant fails to weigh in, they pay $5 to the prize fund. AND each week the team with the last percentage of loss, tosses $10 into the prize fund. The only real stipulation in regards to HOW you lose weight is to "use healthy discretion". Easy enough, right? Uh-huh....sure....

The winning team earns the prize fund which includes 1/2 of all the entry fees plus $10 a week from the team losing the least percentage for that week. There are also prizes for the top individual loser in the male and female categories. Not to mention, ideally, you'll have a fit new body and bragging rights that will hopefully carry you into swimsuit season!

This is our third time of competing in such a competition. Each time we've come in just below the top losers...but that's not why we do it. This contest reminds us of our potential, spurs our inner drive, and forces us to focus on our bodies. Admittedly, this contest also runs the risk of stirring up feelings of anger, fear, rejection, and failure, but what better motivation is there?! It gets us back to our primal roots where we are the Cavewomen and the scale is the dinosaur chasing us! We are a team of all women, mainly coworkers. We'll see after this contest, which lasts from January 18-March 14, if we're still friends! Juuuuuuuust kidding....

I think each of us have our own goals in mind....but we'll talk about that later....

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