Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our first weigh-in...

Our first weigh-in was Wednesday, January 18th! I cropped our other team members out of this picture because they aren't quite as vain as we are so I wasn't really sure how they'd feel about their "before picture" being on this blog site.
 Team Donkey Kong

Our team weigh-in went as expected. Some where aware of where they stood...some were upset with the numbers they saw. In the past we've left our coats and shoes on to give us an edge at the next weigh-in, but not this go around. Who were we kidding anyway? When it comes down to our actual weight, we don't count our shoes anyway. Why start that way? This go around the contest is about US and not about winning. (But don't think I've not started daydreaming about spending that prize money!)

With this weigh-in came a mental list of things not to do:
#1 - Drink soda. Yeah, we both gave this one up. So far, as of Thursday, January 19, we're good to go! Sidenote: Someone should probably tell the carhops at Sonic that we've not died.

#2 - Eat processed foods/sugars. Cake, cookies, donuts, awesome white Wonderbread that melts in your mouth as you eat a bologna sandwich with mayo and Doritos....all off our grid. So far, this hasn't seemed like a big deal, but it is just day two! Did I mention how awesome those bologna sandwiches are? Sigh....

#3 - Booze it up. No booze. I can't even find anything positive to say about this one yet. There might be some exclusions to this rule. We'll have to think a little harder on this one.

#4 - Skip meals. YOU MUST EAT! We've both tried "starvation diets" and we both failed -- big time. You MUST eat to lose weight and we've vowed not to fall into the trap of skipping meals in order to shed a pound here or there.

#5 - Hate ourselves. Your head is literally your biggest enemy when it comes to successful weight loss. If you hate your body, if you call yourself "fat", if you obsess about all the things you don't like about yourself...those are the things that will get bigger and bigger as you take on this journey. It doesn't matter what that scale says....if your head is in a dark place, your body will follow. Any weight you lose will come back...any obstacle you've accomplished will rise back up in front of you. Break the pattern now and love your body enough to change it!

#6 - Mention the words "Dairy Queen". Dammit, I just did it.


  1. As of 8:30 this morning you guys gave up pop? Good luck with that one!!

  2. No, we've been off of it for a few days now, actually! But thanks!

  3. This is only my second day - but honestly, make it through one full day is a great accomplishment for me! LOL

  4. You two are so funny. ~Kim Mies
