Tuesday, January 24, 2012

'Twas the Night Before Weigh-In

'Twas the night before weigh-in and all through the house,
Not a creature was snacking...not even a mouse.
All the Ho-Hos were hid in the basement with care,
In the hopes that these chubby girls would not think to look there.

I in my sports shorts, still sweaty from a workout class,
settled into bed to rest my tired ass.
Snuggled under the covers with head on my pillow,
I prayed to God above that the scale numbers would be low.

What more could we do, we've been steady and true,
counting the calories until our faces were blue.
We've cut out the soda, the ice cream, the candy,
but we'll admit there were times they all woulda' been handy.

Tomorrow we weigh in for the first time in a week,
and at least a pound loss is all that we seek.
"As long as I don't gain," is what I've said in my head,
that's the last I should earn for not eating white bread.

No Snickers, no mashed taters, no gummy bears, no stiff drink,
if this doesn't work, oh how my heart will sink.
If tomorrow you too will face the big scale,
no regrets, no guilt, just know you gave it hell....

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the verse that says:

    The scale will go down, this is my hunch
    whatever its direction, Andi gets a soda at lunch
    Certain we are that we all lose
    Andi will be happy when she gets her booze.
