Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 3021.....

Well, at least it feels like it.  Anybody who has ever been on a weight loss journey probably understands how time seems to just stand still when you have a "weigh day" or a certain goal in mind.    In reality it's only been 5 or 6 days, but it feels like forever! 

Steph and I learned a little something about ourselves this weekend.  When we restrict ourselves we turn into 5 year olds. I had a weekend-long argument going on with myself in my head about certain foods I could and could not eat.  And certain foods I wanted to eat.  Occasionally I would share these arguments with her and at one point she said to me, "Tell me this - WHY do you want to eat that?"   Well, genius, WTF do you think?!?  Because it tastes good and I WANT IT!!!!!!    LOL   After I recovered from the sting of selfishness that I realized went along with that whole statement we had another good giggle when Steph realized she forgot to buy oatmeal at the store.  "Dangit!!!  I really wanted oatmeal!!!"   And that's when it hit us that we were acting like deprived toddlers and that maybe we should just eat some real food and THEN think about things. :-) 

We did eventually find a happy medium and we shared a sweet treat and logged it in our nutrition log and just made sure we still stayed within our boundaries.  Did that mean we ended up skimping on our meal a little later?  Yes, it did.  But that day it was just worth it.  Other days it won't be, I know, but we have to make those decisions and make it a conscious CHOICE.   That is what keeps us in control.  The old me would've probably said "sorry, can't do it today, I'll start again tomorrow" and then had 5 or 6 sweet treats to make sure I made that decision to cheat "worth it".    Is it something we can do every day?  Not if we are truly concerned about being healthy.  I mean, yes, you would lose weight on a snickers and a diet pepsi every day if that's all you ate - but your insides would be nothing but junk.  SKINNY and HEALTHY are two different entities - and our goal is to be healthy.  And that includes being ok with a small indulgence occasionally.

Love yourself, believe in yourself, and respect yourself today, my friends!

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