Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hey everybody!!!  Welcome to our blog site!  I'm very new to this blogging thing, but I  love to talk, so I'm sure I'll catch on quickly and end up blogging about things that nobody should have to hear about. :-)  But, that's what I do, so if you get squeamish or have delicate ears (eyes, in this case) you might want to take caution before reading my posts.  I will try to put a disclaimer out there if I think it's questionable! 

Well, as Steph said, we have started a new journey in our lives. (again).  Yes, I said it, AGAIN.  If I could count I would probably guess that this is the 379th "diet" I've been on since about age 12.   You know, you have the middle school anorexia phase because the body is changing and you're scared to death of the curves that are happening.  Then there's the high school "I think I'm fat" phase where you feel the need to be on a constant diet so the boyfriend's eyes don't stray to a girl who might just be a tad thinner/prettier than you.  GAG.  Let me just say, if there are any young girls reading this blog, do not EVER, EVER, EVER put yourself through those horrible mind games of skinny/fat, diet/don't, do or don't do ANYTHING just because of a boy. THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT.  But you are.  You are worth having the best in the world - so feel free to treat yourself that way.  But anyway....I digress......

So we move on to college and the Freshman 15.  15?  Really?  Pfffff.....  May as well call it the first semester 15.  Though I did at that age figure out my thyroid was off kilter and I had a little uphill battle to climb in that aspect, I'm quite certain the cafeteria food, midnight runs to Loves for the polish sausage sandwich, and the dorm friends bringing in leftover pizza after their shift ended had a little something to contribute to that as well. But hey, we're in college, right?  That's what college is supposed to be about!   Well, and figuring out who/what you want to be when you grow up, but that's a whole other blog site topic for me!  :-)   

The first time I joined weight watchers I was about 22 years old and I weighed 137 lbs.  Seriously, looking back, if the me now would've seen the me then walk into the weight watchers room the me now would punch me right in the face.  (I really would - I have this crazy desire to be punched in the face, but I can't ever get Steph to do it for me....but yet again, a whole other blog....)   

Anyway, that's where my _____ years of yo-yo dieting started. (no way am I really going to give you that math!!!)   But today, right now, is the day it's ending.  No more ups and downs.  No more fad diets.  No more starvation.  I feel like for the first time in my life I actually GET it.  It's about respect.  Respect for my body and respect for my friends and family.   Over the holidays my new friend from NYC taught me that the power IS within me right now.  That I have control.   That every day, in a very true way, I CAN co-create MY reality.  And that's part of what we're doing here is sharing our reality with you.  I hope you enjoy our blogs and feel free to comment as much as you want.  We might even get creative and put some videos up at some point.  (Aaack!!) 

My first word of advice to you, though, if you ever think about joining a journey like this with somebody, read the fine print.  Seriously, if I would've known I had to give up booze, I might not have jumped into this so willingly! :-)  I guess I'll start by giving up my breakfast booze.  What?  All it takes is baby steps, right?  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I too would like to punch my 22 year-old self in the face!
