Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sigh of Relief....

* Note to readers - actors portraying Andrea and Stephanie in this blog are Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman. 

One weigh-in down. As we let out a HUGE sigh of relief, we also are filled with nervous tension about next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. But we all took a BIG step today by walking into that KNRC office and jumping on that scale. We had the courage to sign up. We had the guts to fork over a $20 entry fee. We had the hypothetical balls of steel to follow through and commit to having our weights written down in ink.

The first weigh-in always runs the risk of sending your motivation souring or's all how you take it. I've always believed if you don't like what you are seeing, you need to look at it through a different perspective. Maybe you didn't lose as much as you wanted BUT you started implementing healthy eating habits that you will be able to hold yourself to and continue.  I hope you all push forward. We've got a long way to go, friends!

On a different note...let us know what you want to see in this blog. Do you want recipes? Tips? Research-based information? Videos of our HILARIOUS comedy skits that we often perform in the car to our fake audience on the dash? Just let us know!


  1. LOL - I vote for the videos of our skits!!! We should get a real dash cam so we can actually catch some of those. :-) And not that I want to be a corrector - but just as a little side note, that's JASON Bateman. Justine is his sister. But hey, either one is fine with me! (And in case anybody is wondering, I'm Ryan Reynolds) LOL
