Monday, January 30, 2012

Working out on an empty stomach

Yeah, I used to do it. Work out before eating because I thought that instead of burning the food that I just ate, my body would finally start burning the fat I had around my midsection. WRONG!

(Doritos not recommended, but you get the point!)

A report published this year in Strength and Conditioning Journal concluded that the body burns roughly the same amount of fat regardless of whether you eat before a workout. But you’re likely to lose muscle by exercising in a depleted state, the report found, and without fuel to aid the workout, exercise intensity and overall calorie burn will be reduced.

Now, I'm no expert by any means....but I'm just throwing out a wicked guess that you don't want to lose your muscle.

In a separate study published in 2002, scientists found an additional benefit from a pre-workout meal: Healthy women who consumed 45 grams of carbohydrates before their workouts ended up eating less throughout the remainder of the day. YAHTZEE! I LOVE THAT IDEA!

Simply put, you wouldn't go on a road trip without first putting gas in the car, would you?

According to (a great website for information): If you choose to eat before your workout, eat a light 200 to 300 calorie meal with some carbohydrates and protein, according to Health Services at Columbia University. Examples of such foods are egg whites, cottage cheese, yogurt and protein shakes.
Keep the fat content low. Find a drink or food that settles well in your stomach and doesn’t create nausea. A proper pre-workout meal will fuel working muscles with carbohydrates and increase the amount of free-floating amino acids to control muscle breakdown.

We've also had good luck with having some beef jerky or a small ham/mustard wrap before we hit the gym. We also like wraps with turkey pepperoni, mozz cheese and a little bit of pizza sauce. Toss in the microwave to melt the cheese and get ready for your workout burn!

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