Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 3 (otherwise known as hell)

This is where the challenge begins for me.  Yeah, I know, it's usually WEEK 3 or MONTH 3 for some dieters, but not me, it's day 3.  My body is detoxing, I have a crazy headache, and it's taking everything in my power not to have a soda.  The afternoon isn't finished yet, I can't promise I won't end up caving.  But going from one (or 2) sodas a day down to one every 3 days is still an improvement, right?  

We have had food challenges for the last couple of meals.  Spent last evening at a basketball game with concession stand food being waved in my face.  Steph has no problem with that, but I have a deep longstanding love for nachos - and it was a challenge - but I overcame it. We fixed ourselves protein shakes before we left work and bought a bag of beef jerky to snack on while we were there.  Unfortunately the game lasted a lot longer than we expected, and we were starving by the time we left.  Unprepared for that battle, we ended up stopping at a convenience store and sharing a sandwich that consisted of wheat bread, turkey and swiss with a little mustard.   So our evening meal/snack consisted of protein shake, beef jerky and half a sandwich.  We tracked it, and we still came out ahead even if it wasn't an ideal situation.

Breakfast this morning was oatmeal and a boiled egg - again, if I can prepare it at home I'm in good shape.  Lunch was not so easy for me because I'm out of town today.  I planned on going to subway for a sandwich but they were really busy and by the time I finished my errands I ended up going through the drive thru taco bell.    Now, here's where the pivotal point is.  The OLD me (you know, last week) would have said forget it, I'm starving, I'm going to just have a cheat meal.  And I would've gotten nachos and tacos and probably some sort of dessert.  And definitely a soda.    But the new me today ordered off the fresca (light) menu and ended up eating a soft taco and half a bean burrito.  With water.  And even though fast food isn't ideal for me right now, again, I tracked it and everything ended up being ok.  I DON'T have the feeling now that I've "blown" the day already and can eat whatever I want.  And I still feel good about myself and don't have that emotional roller coaster of guilt and anger and shame just from eating lunch.  So the moral of this story is just simply don't give up.    The only thing that matters is that you keep trying!!!

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